Public Function ColumnEmpty(ByVal mySheet As String, MyColumn As Integer, Optional myHeader As Boolean) As Boolean ' This function returns TRUE is the column is empty or FALSE if any cells in the column contains data ' The function has 2 required parameters and one optional parameter. ' The first parameter is the name of the worksheet to test. ' The second parameter is the column on the target sheet. ' The final parameter indicates if the sheet has headers or not. ' Copyright Abbydale Systems LLC. If IsMissing(myHeader) Then myHeader = False MyDiff = 0 MyRow = 1 If myHeader = True Then MyRow = 2 MyDiff = 1 End If mySheetLastRow = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(mySheet).UsedRange.Rows.Count With Sheets(mySheet) If WorksheetFunction.CountBlank(Range(Cells(MyRow, MyColumn).Address(), Cells(mySheetLastRow, MyColumn).Address())) = mySheetLastRow - MyDiff Then ColumnEmpty = True Else ColumnEmpty = False End If End With End Function