Here is a list of some of our VB Subroutines that we are making available for people to download and use.

The subroutines linked to by this page remain the copyrighted material of Abbydale Systems. You are free to use the material but please honor the copyrights.

As always you are free to use this code but the usual disclaimers apply.

By downloading code from this page you agree to the terms of the disclaimer.

The subroutines may contain additional required Functions and some of these functions are not available from out function downloads but are wholly contained in the subroutine download.

The subroutines should run just fine 'out of the box'.

Abbydale Systems LLC. - Because IT matters
InsertDateInserts a date in a cell if the column is the correct one.

The date is of the format 'DD MMM YYYY i.e. '6 Nov 2023

Link to information page click here.

InvertColoursThis subroutine will invert the colors in a cell, or range of cells. It will flip the foreground and background colors.

It is recommended to establish either a macro or a right click menu option to execute this.

MergeSheetsSometimes you need to be able to merge WorkSheets using VBA code rather than doing it manually.

The MergeSheets subroutine can be used to merge one WorkSheet into another.

The subroutine can be called with optional parameters to specify the column to be used to specify the row to be used to start merging to, the starting row of where to merge from and whether only the values are to be copied during the merge.

If these parameters are not provided then column 1 is used for determining the row to start the merge on, row 1 will be used to determined the row to start from on the from sheet and all formatting and values will be copied to the target sheet.

Link to information page click here.

MergeToTableThe MergeToTable subroutine can be used to merge the contents of one worksheet into a table on another worksheet.

The subroutine can be called with optional parameters to specify the column to be used to specify the column on the from sheet to be used to define the starting row to use to merge from, the starting row of where to merge from and, the column to sort the table (if required).

If these parameters are not provided then column 1 is used for determining the row to start the merge on, row 1 will be used to determine the row to start from on the from sheet and no sorting will take place.

The number of columns in the table and on the from worksheet must be the same.

Link to information page click here.

RandomizeThis code can be used to randomize a column or columns in Excel. It was developed to enable for a list of people to be randomized for a prize drawing.

To use this module, download it and then import it into your spreadsheet via the VBA developer. To call it use:


Link to information page click here.

Link to video demonstration click here.

SortWorkSheetsThis code will sort all the worksheets in an Excel workbook into ascending alphabetic order by the worksheet name.

To sort it in descending order change the fourth parameter on the call from False to True


B = SortWorksheetsByName(0, 0, s, True).

Link to information page click here.

TickThemThis subroutine will place a tick mark in a cell or range of cells.

It is recommended that you assign a macro for calling this quickly and easily, or make it a right-click menu option.

UnHideAllThis subroutine will unhide all hidden worksheets.

This will not work for very hidden worksheets.

Link to information page click here.

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Last modified : Saturday 6th of January 2024