Here is a list of some of our VB functions that we are making available for people to download and use.

The functions linked to by this page remain the copyrighted material of Abbydale Systems. You are free to use the material but please honor the copyrights.

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Abbydale Systems LLC. - Because IT matters
ColumnEmptyThis function will check a column on a spreadsheet to see if it is empty of not.

If ColumnEmpty("SheetName", ColNumb, True) = True Then

The first two parameters are required and the third is optional.

The first parameter specifies the worksheet to check.

The second parameter specifies integer value of the column number to check.

The optional third parameter specifies if the sheet has the first row as a header row. The default is True.

CopyToClipboardThis Function wasn't actually written by us but it is a very useful function so we thought we would include it here.

The function will copy text to the clipboard. We use this for copying long numbers or strings to prevent transcription errors. For example, copying a part number to the clipboard.

Link to information page click here.

CountMergedRowsInCellThis function will count the number of merged rows in a cell column.

It is useful for allowing a user written sort process to determine which rows have merged cells and how many are merged within the same column in the row.

EndOfWeekThis function will tell you the date of the last day of the week for the date passed.

The function presupposes the last day of the week to be a Saturday, however this can be changed by an optional parameter.

The format of the function call is:



Date is the date you want to check.

Weekvariance is an integer value that will provide a week displacement (ie. -1 will give the date of the last day of the previous week.)

Lastdayofweek will allow you to specify which day of the week to use as the last day (0 - Sunday, 1 = Monday...etc)

FileExtantThis function checks for the existence of the passed filename.

The function will return TRUE if the file exists and FALSE if the file does not exist.

Link to information page click here.

FindColumnThis function will return the number of the first column containing the passed string.

It can optionally search the column for the whole or partial string.

This function requires our subroutine WorksheetExtant

Link to information page click here.

FYUtilitiesReturns information about the date in terms of the financial year, week of the financial year and period (month) of the financial year for a given date.

Link to information page click here.

Link to video demonstration click here.

IsSheetNameValidThis function will return TRUE if a string passed to it is a valid worksheet name and FALSE if it is not.

Link to information page click here.

LongestColThis function will return a value that is the row number of the row with the most columns.

The only parameter needed is the name of the sheet. An optional parameter identifies the number of the columns in that row.

If several rows have the same number of columns, the first row with that number of columns is returned.

LongestRowThis function will return a value that is the column number of the column with the most rows.

The only parameter needed is the name of the sheet. An optional parameter identifies the number of the rows in that column.

If several columns have the same number of rows, the first column with that number of rows is returned.

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Last modified : Saturday 6th of January 2024